這部由美國專業色彩機構「Pantone Color Institute」執行董事Leatrice Eiseman與紐約時尚作家E. P. Cutler聯手打造的精裝鉅著,每種顏色各自獨立成篇,內容從伸展台、媒體、廣告與歷史中取材,提供專業評論、多元影像資料、設計師運用色彩的無限巧思,讓人驚歎不已。
舉例來說,四○年代盛極一時的愛馬仕代表色──金盞花黃,到2013年紐約當紅設計師卡洛琳娜•海萊拉的春夏新裝發表會裡,都能見到它明媚的身影。比金盞花更亮眼的cyber yellow,無論是六○年代的摩登風,或1990年的龐克風潮,都獲得不同世代設計師的青睞。
《Pantone on Fashion》不僅精準展現了色彩在時尚設計界的魅力,也帶我們重溫歷年的時裝經典,是時尚與設計愛好者的收藏首選。(文/ 博客來編譯)
Follow global color authority Pantone on this vivid journey through the rich history of color in fashion. Favorite hues and their appearances across the decades are profiled in informative
text and copiously illustrated by runway photos and archival images. Track Bright Marigold from its heyday in the 1940s as Hermès' identifying hue to its showstopping appearance in Carolina
Herrera's Spring/Summer 2013 collection, and trace Cyber Yellow from 1960s mod style to Anna Sui's 1990s punk-inspired looks. Complete with a survey of the industry-defining PANTONE Color of
the Year, PANTONE on Fashion is the ultimate guide to the timeless shades the fashion world loves to love.