"The true-life adventure of two men who rowed across the Atlantic Ocean and the history of those who came before More people have climbed Mount Everest than have rowed across the Atlantic. For
more than seventy days, Adam Rackley and his rowing partnerate, slept and rowed in a boat seven meters long by two meters wide, in one of the world’s most extreme environments. This is his
story of adventure, endurance, and self-discovery. They were following in the wake of pioneers. In 1896 George Harbo and Frank Samuelsen, a pair of Norwegian fisherman, crossed the 2,500 miles
in a wooden fishing dory--and their record stood for 114 years. John Fairfax, a smuggler, a gambler, and a shark hunter, was the first to complete the feat singlehandedly in 1969. Others have
followed; some have not survived the attempt. This is their story, too"--