什麼樣的繪本能讓孩子開心的讀上好幾遍呢?美國著名作家Richard Scarry的故事就有這種魅力!數十年來,他的作品陪伴無數小朋友度過快樂的讀書時光。
翻開《Best Word Book Ever》,會發現裡頭的小動物們忙著打掃、開車、上超市…各種日常生活中的細節,都逃不過Richard Scarry鉅細靡遺的觀察力,每個物品旁邊清楚地列出名稱或用途,培養孩子對生活常識的了解。幽默的故事內容不但容易閱讀,畫面中的有趣細節更蘊藏許多驚喜。【文∕博客來外文館】
Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Richard Scarry’s Best Word Book Ever with this wonderful, fun picture book edition.
Join Kathy Bear, Kenny Bear and their Busytown friends to learn lots of everyday words. Illustrated in Scarry’s signature style, the book is packed with hundreds of names for objects both
familiar and new, grouped by subject, occasion and theme. From colours and numbers to fruit and vegetables to animals, vehicles and so much more, this is a beautifully entertaining way to
expand a child’s knowledge of the world.