Creating Sounds from Scratch: A Practical Guide to Music Synthesis for Producers and Composers
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The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label
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Every Song Ever
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The Vinyl Book
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Make Your Own Music: A Creative Curriculum Using Music Technology
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All by Myself: Essays on the Single-Artist Rock Album
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Machine Music: A Media Archaeological Excavation
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Recording Orchestra and Other Classical Music Ensembles
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Five Star Music Makeover: The Independent Artist’s Guide for Singers, Songwriters, Bands, Producers, and Self-publishers
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The Worship Keyboard Book
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Recording Orchestra and Other Classical Music Ensembles
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Sequencing Samples and Loops
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The Singer-Songwriter’s Guide to Recording in the Home Studio
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Jazz As Visual Language: Film, Television and the Dissonant Image
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String Instrument Setups: 10 Setups That Will Make Your Instrument Louder, Better, and Easier to Play
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The Drum Recording Handbook
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Digital Tools for Computer Music Production and Distribution
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Sound Unseen: Acousmatic Sound in Theory and Practice
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Recording Unhinged: Creative and Unconventional Music Recording Techniques
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Confessions of a Record Producer: How to Survive the Scams and Shams of the Music Business