米奇.艾爾邦 Mitch Albom
1958年5月23日生於美國紐澤西州。著有暢銷書《最後14堂星期 二的課》、《在天堂遇見的五個人》和《再給我一天》,這幾本書售出42種語言的版 本,在全世界廣泛流傳,總計全球銷售超過兩千八百萬冊。上一本則是非虛構的作品《一點小信仰》,這幾本書都改編拍攝成為供電視頻道播放的電影。本業為新聞
記者,後來從事寫作並獲得出版上的成功,現在他也撰寫電影劇本與舞台劇本。米奇在底特律以及海地先後成立了七個慈善機構,並且經營一個孤兒院。現與妻子住 在美國密西根州。
Mitch Albom is an author, playwright, and screenwriter who has written seven books, including the international bestseller Tuesdays with Morrie, the bestselling memoir of all time. His first
novel, The Five People You Meet in Heaven, was an instant #1 New York Times bestseller, as were For One More Day, his second novel, and Have a Little Faith, his most recent work of nonfiction.
All four books were made into acclaimed TV films. Albom also works as a columnist and a broadcaster and has founded seven charities in Detroit and Haiti, where he operates an orphanage/mission.
He lives with his wife, Janine, in Michigan.