"Does your cartoon, comic, film, or story need a quirky individual? How about a leading lady? Rogue superhero? By working through the exercises found in The Drawing Club, acquire the skills and
knowledge necessary to draw personality archetypes of any kind- movie heroes, pulp fiction characters, and pop culture stars from every era. There’s something for everyone!Illustrator Bob
Kato, Associate Professor at The Art Center College of Design, invites you to join him as he guides you through insider tips and tricks to create your own art from real people. Easily work your
way through objectives, learn how to draw from life, and masterproblem solving as you work through a series of exercises. Each exercise features a new character type and tackles different
aspects of character drawing. Each exercise is illustrated with multiple sample drawings along with hard-earned insights from veteran artists. The Drawing Club is your exclusive access to learn
how to draw amazing characters that enhance your art!"--