Thousands of jobs available! If you or someone you know is looking for employment then you need this publication. Defense and military contracting is a multibillion dollar industry that
continues to grow at a rapid pace. Defense contracting and military contracting companies provide human resources, goods, products, and services in support of the U.S. government and the U.S.
military both at home and abroad. This industry is job plentiful and the need for qualified employees continues to increase. There are many different employment opportunities in the defense
industry that require varying degrees of education, background, skills, abilities, knowledge, and experience. Many seeking employment in the defense industry are often under the misconception
that you must have a college degree, military or government experience, or special skills and experience to be considered for employment by a military or defense contractor. The reality is that
there are a number of opportunities available in this industry that are general in nature and require varying levels of education and experience. Opportunities are available for those with high
school diploma and GED level educations to those with associates, bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees. Employment opportunities scan the spectrum from clerical and custodial to
management, manufacturing, legal, sales, construction, healthcare, engineering, security, technology, marketing, training, human resources, operations, logistics, general labor, administrative,
and scientific to name just a few. Full time, part time, contract, and telecommute (home office) opportunities are available. There are over three hundred companies with available jobs listed
in this current edition of Defense Industry Careers. We have made every attempt to list companies that advertise multiple employment opportunities on a continuous basis. Many of the companies
listed post new jobs daily so be sure to check often.