The purpose of emotion management is to build brand and create a sustainable competitive advantage. Emotions can organize cognitive processes or disorganize them, be active or passive, lead to
adaptation, or be maladaptive. Consumers may be conscious of their emotions or may be motivated by unconscious emotions. The primary emotions like joy, fear and anger individually or in
combined form with different intensities have an adaptive significance in a consumers’ life. Therefore the purpose of this book is to emphasizes the value of emotions and explore mental
behavioral and emotional dimensions that affect consumers of all age groups, societies and cultures. This book’s approach provides an integrated view of the different perspectives of consumer
emotions. The book examines the different elements of emotion, evidence of how emotions govern and organize consumer life, and emotion and individual functioning, including consumer
psychological experiences through facial expressions, inner feelings and feedback. The book provides an ability to understand and appreciate the power of emotions and consumer experiences in
marketing and develop an understanding of issues of emotions and conscience in the area of marketing and how marketing can both help and hinder our realization of better living and working