Compared to the majority of diseases, the approach to nuclear, biological, or chemical agent exposures presents different and unique challenges to the clinician. To aid health care
professionals in the diagnosis and treatment of these exposures, Leikin (medical toxicology, Glenbrook Hospital, Glenview, Illinois; Rush Medical College and Northwestern U., Chicago) and McFee
(State U. of New York Stony Brook; NYCOM, New York Institute of Technology) offer a text that takes a clinical approach and provides valuable information on five key areas: antidotes,
biological agents, chemical agents, laboratory analysis, and radiation substances. Each of these five sections of the text contains an alphabetically arranged series of agent monographs,
written by 20 contributing academics, practitioners, and researchers from the U.S., Israel, and the UK. Annotation ©2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (