In Nature Takes a Stand, the Kikatu, at least their nomadic component, is on the verge of extinction because of their lifestyle. Their once evergreen environment has turned into a lifeless
The Cobbler, on the lowest rung of the social ladder and in fact a slave for all intents and purposes, rises to the occasion. Leading a "Save the Environment" movement, he begins with the
call to protect the lowly herb and then makes a frontal attack on the logging industry, gaining powerful enemies. Among them is Kurtin, part of the most prominent family in the community and a
logging merchant intent on keeping the old order in place.
Odds are that tradition will win, defeating the forces of change. But then Mother Nature takes a stand. As a result of a cruel drought that almost decimates their herds, the Kikatu can either
stay put and starve, or move in search of water and fodder, but perhaps still die for trying.