Love & War:Commander Hursey’s Story(POD)

Love & War:Commander Hursey’s Story(POD)
NT $ 620
  • 作者:David Arnold
  • 出版社:秀威資訊
  • 出版日期:2012-11-13
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1618976729
  • ISBN13:9781618976727
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 342頁 / 5.9 x 8.9 x 0.8 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  Love and War tells the tale of British Naval Officer Warwick Hursey through an emotional and graphic portrait of the naval theatre during World War II.

  Receiving rapid wartime promotion from Junior Officer to Commander with heroic accomplishments in battle, Warwick navigates not only his ship but the passions of the heart as well. His lifelong love of an innkeeper named Sarah fuels a complicated romance.

  As the war escalates Warwick must fight to save both his country and his love. Will he have the resolve to lead his crew and his heart to victory?



  David Arnold was born in June, 1939 and is a retired Royal Naval Reserve Commander who served on passenger ships, frigates and nuclear submarines as a specialist navigator. Mr. Arnold holds a British Merchant Marine Extra Master's Certificate and since leaving the service has sailed in many ocean races all over the world, including the British Americas Cup Trials in Australia in 1986/7. He lives with his wife, Andrea, to whom this book is dedicated, in rural Sussex, United Kingdom. Love and War is the author's first work of fiction. He has previously published a technical book on sailing, Tides and Currents.
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