China is the world’s biggest consumer story, but foreign businesses are still getting it wrong due to lack of knowledge and understanding.
Myth-Busting China’s Numbers provides a unique and insightful critique of China’s economic data, analysing what businesses need to be aware of when interpreting this data and
From GDP down to micro-markets, demographics and company financials, this book looks at the flaws, inaccuracies and manipulations of data from major statistical categories, providing guidance
on how to spot and rectify these issues, and allowing businesses to better understand their market and reduce risk. Featuring case studies of businesses that have failed and succeeded based
upon on their understanding of China’s data, this book is invaluable to anyone with business or investment plans in China.
Palgrave Pocket Consultants are concise, authoritative guides that provide actionable solutions to specific, high-level business problems that would otherwise drive you or your company to
employ a consultant. Written for aspiring middle-to-senior managers working across business at any scale, they offer solutions to the most cutting-edge issues across modern business. Be your
own expert and have the advice you need at your fingertips.