Single Serve: Tasty Everyday Meals for One

Single Serve: Tasty Everyday Meals for One
NT $ 1,173


Single Serve will revive and revolutionise your mealtimes. Even when you love good food and do your best to eat well, cooking for one can be something of a chore. It’s all too easy to fall into having the same thing all the time, or resort to takeaway dinner.Food writer Penny Oliver shows you how single-serve meals can be stylish, quick and affordable - all you need is a small repertoire of recipes, a little bit of planning and some smart buying. Penny also demonstrates how to make best use of your freezer, halving your labour in the kitchen so you can take a night off whenever you need it.With a wealth of easy, flavoursome recipes for one, tips for reducing your time spent cooking and smart substitutions to vary the flavours, Single Serve will be your new benchtop bible.
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