The first edition of the Encyclopedia of Bioethics was published in 1978; this fourth edition appears a decade or so after the third edition under a shortened title. Now in six volumes, this
reference, as stated in the preface, "maintains an interdisciplinary, historical, and multicultural perspective and reflects the changing orientations and lines of inquiry in the the
interface of biology, technology, health care, and ethics." Arranged alphabetically, the 569 entries articles are signed and include references and cross references. A topical outline in the
front matter groups entries according to themes including abortion, abuse and harm, animal welfare, the bioethics profession, biotechnology, chronic illness and long term care, concepts, death
and dying, informed consent, ecology and the environment, end-of-life care, health law, human enhancement, pain and suffering, sexuality and gender, transplantation, and warfare, among other
topics. Annotation ©2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (