In the Eye of the Storm: Edgar Mittelholzer 1909-2009: Critical Perspectives
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AIDS in Cultural Bodies: Scripting the Absent Subject 1980-2000
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All Things Twain: An Encyclopedia of Twain’s World
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Masculinity After Trujillo: The Politics of Gender in Dominican Literature
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A Political Companion to Philip Roth
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International Adoption in North American Literature and Culture: Transnational, Transracial and Transcultural Narratives
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El imperio de la virtud: Grandeza Mexicana (1604) De Bemardo De Balbuena Y El Discurso Criollo Novohispano
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Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place
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Activating the Heart: Storytelling, Knowledge Sharing, and Relationship
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Culture and Revolution: Violence, Memory, and the Making of Modern Mexico
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Reading Hemingway’s to Have and Have Not: Glossary and Commentary
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How to Read African American Literature: Post-Civil Rights Fiction and the Task of Interpretation
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Unbecoming Female Monsters: Witches, Vampires, and Virgins
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New Brunswick at the Crossroads: Literary Ferment and Social Change in the East
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The Best Minds of My Generation: A Literary History of the Beats
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The Beautiful Cigar Girl
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A Political Companion to Flannery O’connor