二戰期間,一群來自澳洲、美國、歐洲各國的西方大兵,在高壓戰場下培養出情比兄弟深的情誼,他們休兵期間,甚至還坦誠相見、盡情嬉鬧。攝影師Michael Stokes蒐集了五百多張二戰大兵的照片,赤裸裸呈現戰火下最真誠的兄弟情。八十九歲的退役海軍為這本書寫序,提到這場戰爭徹底扭轉他對性別的認知。讀者也能透過這些珍貴的照片,重新認識戰爭、以及衝鋒陷陣的勇士們。
Off guard: Young World War II allied soldiers laid bare Every harrowing day for a serviceman during World War II was potentially his last. To help bolster troops against the horrors of
combat, commanders encouraged them to form tight “buddy” relationships for emotional support. Many war buddies, together every moment, and depending on each other to survive, formed intimate
friendships. When they weren’t fighting side by side, they relaxed together, discharging tension in boisterous—sometimes naked—play. The full extent of nude horseplay among men during World War
II can’t be known, as cameras were rare and film hard to process, but some men did document this unprecedented male bonding in small, anonymous photos mostly kept hidden away until their
deaths. Los Angeles photographer Michael Stokes has spent years searching out these photos and building an archive of over 500 images. His collection includes soldiers and sailors from
Australia, England, France, Italy, Poland, Russia, and the USA, cavorting on the sand in the South Pacific, shivering in the snow of Eastern Europe, posing solo in the barracks, and in great
happy groups just about everywhere. These images show men barely out of boyhood, at their physical peak, responding to the reality of battle by living each day to the fullest—a side of the war
never before made public. The introduction is by Scotty Bowers, an 89-year-old ex-Marine and author of Full Service, the best-selling memoir of his sexual exploits in Hollywood, and how the war
forever altered his attitudes about gay and straight, just as these photos may alter our attitudes about World War II and war buddies.