A book designed to insert drama therapy into the standard range of support services for trauma survivors, with sixteen contributors, this volume came from the work of drama therapists at the
Post Traumatic Stress Center in New Haven (US). It is designed as a general assessment of drama therapy as a tool for treating trauma in settings including clinics, classrooms, and the
community. The book also offers a historical and conceptual overview of both established models of drama therapy and psychodrama, and new approaches. It is divided into three sections: a survey
of the field, trauma-informed methods of drama therapy, and traumatic-informed drama therapy with specific populations (parent-child attachment, medically compromised children, newly arrived
refugee women, a foster home in Japan, and secondary therapeutic classrooms). The book ends with a chapter setting out core elements of the field the book works to define. Annotation ©2014
Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)