每天三餐菜色都大同小異?有沒有試過從前菜到甜點都是同一色系的餐點呢?翻開《The Designer’s Cookbook》,等同於參加一場華麗繽紛的食物嘉年華,這本獨樹一幟的食譜書,運用創新的彩色菜單將平凡無奇的家常料理拉抬到餐廳名菜等級,擁有色彩密碼的每道食物不僅帶來視覺上的享受,營養、美味也都毫不馬虎。
水準之上的攝影技術與版面設計,讓絢麗的食材光譜躍然於書頁之間,帶領讀者從不同角度欣賞蔬果魚肉的自然之美,進而實際參與一場廚房新食驗!(文/ 博客來編譯)
This unique and beautifully produced cookbook presents an innovative take on menu design for the home cook as well as the practiced gourmet. Looking for something new to try in the kitchen?
How about a delicious dinner in which each course--from appetizer to dessert--is the same color? It may sound impossible, but as this cookbook proves, color-coded cooking is not only possible
but also delectable.
Divided into twelve color-based chapters, the recipes range from saffron lemon ravioli to melon soup to blueberry tartlets, all arranged in four-course meals of two starters, one main course,
one dessert and three drinks. These carefully tested recipes use only natural ingredients and no artificial colors and are as easy to prepare as they are to behold on the table. Brilliant
photographs of the complete menu as well as individual ingredients will appeal to aesthetic and eclectic cooks--and the results are sure to create memorable meals that lead to further
experimentation in the kitchen.