★網路商城Nasty Gal創辦人,她美貌吸睛,生意腦袋更吸金!★
★財經科技網站《Business Insider》選為「當今最性感的CEO」★
★財經科技網站《Business Insider》選為「當今最性感的CEO」★
所以她在eBay拍賣網站上開起店來,並起名為「Nasty Gal Vintage」(壞女孩古著)。2014年成為市值逾一億美元企業「Nasty Gal」的執行長與創意總監,還有350名員工。
《正妹CEO》是阿莫魯索的故事,但遠比個人傳記有意義得多。內容深入又私密,道理卻全世界的人都看得懂、用得著。文中充滿刺耳的警示聲(「嘿!你沒那麼特別」),細緻又誠實的觀察(「失敗是你自己發明出來的」)還有耀眼新星Nasty Gal竄起背後的故事。證明了一件事:成功並不是你在高中或大學(如果有念的話)有多受歡迎,而是在突破現有規則時信任你的直覺,跟隨你的勇氣。
The first thing Sophia Amoruso sold online wasn’t fashion—it was a stolen book. She spent her teens hitchhiking, committing petty theft, and dumpster diving. By twenty-two, she had resigned herself to employment, but was still broke, directionless, and working a mediocre day job she’d taken for the health insurance.
It was there that Sophia decided to start selling vintage clothes on eBay. Eight years later, she is the founder, CEO, and creative director of Nasty Gal, a $100 million plus online fashion retailer with more than 350 employees. Sophia’s never been a typical CEO, or a typical anything, and she’s written #GIRLBOSS for outsiders (and insiders) seeking a unique path to success, even when that path is winding as all hell and lined with naysayers.
#GIRLBOSS includes Sophia’s story, yet is infinitely bigger than Sophia. It’s deeply personal yet universal. Filled with brazen wake-up calls (“You are not a special snowflake”), cunning and frank observations (“Failure is your invention”), and behind-the-scenes stories from Nasty Gal’s meteoric rise, #GIRLBOSS covers a lot of ground. It proves that being successful isn’t about how popular you were in high school or where you went to college (if you went to college). Rather, success is about trusting your instincts and following your gut, knowing which rules to follow and which to break.
A #GIRLBOSS takes her life seriously without taking herself too seriously. She takes chances and takes responsibility on her own terms. . She knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them. When to button up and when to let her freak flag fly.
As Sophia writes, “I have three pieces of advice I want you to remember: Don’t ever grow up. Don’t become a bore. Don’t let The Man get to you. OK? Cool. Then let’s do this.”