預購即登上亞馬遜暢銷榜No. 1!藝術創作實驗室系列最新作品
匠心獨運的《Map Art Lab》安排了52種與地圖相關的創意練習,從傳說與線條起步,依形式與風格推移,姊妹檔作者Jill K. Berry與Linden
跨越年紀藩籬、打破創作資歷的迷思,《Map Art Lab》自由、開放的創意概念,讓地圖不僅僅是指引方向的輔助工具,也能成為一幅賞心悅目的畫作、一段旅程的紀念、一種即將抵達的期待,或是一次勇敢的出發……。(文/ 博客來編譯)
Travel through the exciting world of cartography with Map Lab. This fun and creative book features 52 map-related activities set into weekly exercises, beginning with legends and lines,
moving through types and styles, and then creating personalized maps that allow you to journey to new worlds.
Authors Jill K. Berry and Linden McNeilly guide readers through useful concepts while exploring colorful, eye-catching graphics. The labs can be used as singular projects or to build up to a
year of hands-on creative experiences. Map Lab is the perfect book for map lovers, creative/DIY-inspired, designers.
Artists of all ages and experience levels can use this book to explore enjoyable and engaging exercises. Everyone loves maps. And what's not to love? They are beautiful and fascinating, they
teach you things, they show you where you are, places you long to go, and places you dare to imagine.