"Immigration is an ongoing, global phenomenon and schools and teachers in host countries must continually find new ways of working with the increasing numbers of immigrant pupils, including
refugees and asylum seekers. Language and literacy are crucial for inclusion in a new context but these must be developed in spaces where these children feel safe to explore themes that
resonate with their experiences; to express their understanding and to engage in intercultural exchange. Visual Journeys Through Wordless Narratives presents the exploration of response
strategies to Shaun Tan's The Arrival. The inquiry was carried out in educational settings, with children from many different parts of the world, in four host countries: the UK, Spain, Italy
and the USA. The findings reveal the benefits of using wordless narratives such as picturebooks and graphic novels together with visual strategies to support immigrant children's literary
understandings and visual literacy. They also reveal the wealth of experiences the children bring with them which have the potential to transform educational practices"--