This book is an essential guide aimed primarily at women in transition, but also helpful for anyone who needs to learn the techniques and solutions for the most fulfilling second or third
career ever imagined. Perhaps they are struggling with loss, discontent, or disappointment. Or perhaps there’s simply something missing, but the job seeker has no idea what that is. Many years
of working with clients and students has shown me that preparation and execution of a plan is crucial or you risk developing what I call “road rage” as you get repeatedly lost! So what should
you do to ease the road rage in your career? You need to get prepared. It’s of paramount importance to always be “ahead of the curve” professionally. Road workers put up signs in advance of
starting construction. You need to look for the signs in your workplace that is are signaling change. After reading this book, you will find it easier to navigate. Along the way, you will learn
the difference between the map and the territory, and you will be ready to embrace the new rules of engagement. Now relax and enjoy this journey.