Arturo Rivera一家原本在墨西哥過著安定的生活,因為一場突如其來的意外,讓15歲女兒Maribel腦部受到嚴重創傷。為取得更好的醫療資源,也考量到Maribel的教育與未來,Arturo與太太Alma毅然決然地放下一切,舉家遷移至美國重新開始。
搬進德拉瓦州的社區後,他們發現有許多一樣離鄉背井、只為提供孩子良好教育機會與光明前途的移民家庭,像是來自巴拿馬的Toro家族。當Mayor Toro在一元商店裡遇見Maribel,便對她一見傾心,初萌芽的異國戀曲也彈唱出兩個家族間日後牽扯不清的愧疚、愛情與責任。
作者Cristina Henríquez細緻地鋪陳移民家庭的內心轉折,也讓故事裡的男男女女演繹出新一代美國夢的追尋過程。而夢,是否永遠只會是夢?殘酷的現實壓力下,又有多少人能夠實現最初的想望?(文/博客來編譯)
A boy and a girl who fall in love. Two families whose hopes collide with destiny. An extraordinary novel that offers a resonant new definition of what it means to be American.
Arturo and Alma Rivera have lived their whole lives in Mexico. One day, their beautiful fifteen-year-old daughter, Maribel, sustains a terrible injury, one that casts doubt on whether she’ll
ever be the same. And so, leaving all they have behind, the Riveras come to America with a single dream: that in this country of great opportunity and resources, Maribel can get better.
When Mayor Toro, whose family is from Panama, sees Maribel in a Dollar Tree store, it is love at first sight. It’s also the beginning of a friendship between the Rivera and Toro families,
whose web of guilt and love and responsibility is at this novel’s core.
Woven into their stories are the testimonials of men and women who have come to the United States from all over Latin America. Their journeys and their voices will inspire you, surprise you,
and break your heart.
Suspenseful, wry and immediate, rich in spirit and humanity, The Book of Unknown Americans is a work of rare force and originality.