Golden Boy

Golden Boy
NT $ 439
  • 作者:Abigail Tarttelin
  • 出版社:Orion
  • 出版日期:2014-01-30
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1780224591
  • ISBN13:9781780224596
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 320頁 / 13 x 19.8 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


  Max Walker: blue-eyed boy or girl next door?

  To the outside world, Max Walker is a golden boy: a loving son and brother, the perfect student, captain of the football team and every girl's dream boyfriend.

  But Max was born intersex - neither fully boy nor fully girl. Now something terrible has happened to him, the consequences of which have left him questioning his true identity.

  Can the people around him - his girlfriend, his classmates, his ambitious parents - accept him for who he is? Or will Max's secret life tear his world apart?




  Abigail Tarttelin's first novel, FLICK, was heralded as a slow-burn cult classic by GQ magazine. She is still only in her mid twenties but is the Books Editor for PHOENIX fashion magazine, blogs for the HUFFINGTON POST and acts in films including the French/English festival favourite TAXI RIDER. And in 2013 she was selected by the EVENING STANDARD as one of London's hottest 25 Under 25 in their Power 1000. She lives in London and is currently working on her third novel. Connect with her on Twitter at at her website or on Instagram

  Selected in 2013 by the Evening Standard as one of London's hottest 25 Under 25 in their Power 1000

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