

  美國重要的兒童文學先驅瑪格麗特.懷茲.布朗曾經在1952年寫下多首迷人的搖籃曲,在她離世後一直未有機會出版。因緣際會下,出版人Amy Gary與這疊閣樓裡泛黃的手稿相遇,接下來的三年中,她找來十二位屢獲大獎肯定的插畫家共同參與創作,與瑪格麗特雋永的歌謠結合成《Goodnight Songs》這部意義非凡的全彩繪本。

  參與此書的插畫家包括《紐約時報》暢銷童書作者Carin Berger、代表作是《Puff, the Magic Dragon 》的作家Eric Puybaret、榮獲史考特‧金恩榮譽獎的Sean Qualls與凱迪克獎得主Melissa Sweet等。由Emily Gary和Tom Prout譜唱的優美旋律就在隨書附的CD裡,輕快地陪伴孩子們一起進入甜美的夢鄉。(文/博客來編譯)  

  From Margaret Wise Brown, author of the beloved Goodnight Moon, comes a previously unpublished collection of charming lullabies, gorgeously illustrated by 12 award-winning artists. The roster of celebrated names includes Carin Berger, whose The Little Yellow Leaf was a New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book; Eric Puybaret, who brought the bestselling Puff, the Magic Dragon to life on the page; Coretta Scott King Honor Award winner Sean Qualls; and Caldecott Honor medalist Melissa Sweet. An accompanying CD, with lilting songs beautifully composed and sung by Emily Gary and Tom Proutt, makes this the perfect gift to wish children a sweet goodnight.



  Margaret Wise Brown is one of the most popular children's authors of all time; her classic Goodnight Moon (HarperFestival), illustrated by Clement Hurd, has sold more than twenty-four million copies and her books — including Big Red Barn (Harper Festival), The Runaway Bunny (HarperCollins), and The Golden Egg Book (Simon & Schuster) — have never been out of print. Several generations have grown up with her timeless stories and her influence has been felt around the world.
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