The Self and Identity in Rehabilitation: A Special Issue of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
$2,473 -
Strategic Decision Making: A Discovery-led Approach to Critical Choices in Turbulent Times
$1,573 -
Psychology in the Work Context
$3,198 -
Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology: Organizational Psychology
$7,875 -
Vision Without Space
$2,248 -
Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion: A Psychological Perspective
$2,473 -
Sensory and Motor Difficulties in People with Autism And Asperger Syndrome
$1,348 -
Cognitive Therapy for Mood Swings and Bipolar Disorders
$4,950 -
Dissociation and Psychosis: A Therapeutic Model
$2,113 -
Theories of Autism
$4,950 -
Broken Structures: Severe Personality Disorders and Their Treatment
$2,500 -
Neuropsychology of Pervasive Developmental Disorders
$5,000 -
Language Behaviors and Language Disorders in Bilingual Speakers
$2,600 -
EFT for PTSD Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
$523 -
The Cognitive Psychology of False Memories: A Special Issue of Cognitive Neuropsychology
$2,473 -
Understanding Ad/Hd: Frequently Asked Questions
$698 -
Cognitive Neuropsychology: Exploring the Mind Through Brain Dysfunction
$6,300 -
The Disordered Couple
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Developmental Neuropsychology
$2,318 -
Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear into Health, Wealth and Happiness