The interaction between mathematicians and statisticians working in the actuarial and financial fields is producing numerous meaningful scientific results. This volume, comprising a series of
four-page papers, gathers new ideas relating to mathematical and statistical methods in the actuarial sciences and finance. The book covers a variety of topics of interest from both theoretical
and applied perspectives, including: actuarial models; alternative testing approaches; behavioral finance; clustering techniques; coherent and non-coherent risk measures; credit-scoring
approaches; data envelopment analysis; dynamic stochastic programming; financial contagion models; financial ratios; intelligent financial trading systems; mixture normality approaches; Monte
Carlo-based methodologies; multicriteria methods; nonlinear parameter estimation techniques; nonlinear threshold models; particle swarm optimization; performance measures; portfolio
optimization; pricing methods for structured and non-structured derivatives; risk management; skewed distribution analysis; solvency analysis; stochastic actuarial valuation methods; variable
selection models; and time series analysis tools. This book will be of value for academics, PhD students, practitioners, professionals, and researchers. It will also be of interest to other
readers with some quantitative background knowledge.