If you have wondered about where China is heading and how it might impact you more than it has already then this book is for you. There is not only huge interest in China, but there is an over
abundance of information. You can hardly open a newspaper without an article on China or India. However, as we know, having lots of information available does not necessarily make one any
wiser. This book intends to make the information more meaningful by putting some order and structure to the information. Due to the eclectic nature of the content, the book may be of use to
anyone interested in the evolution of global economics and politics.It aims to inform and alert you to the threat and opportunities that China poses. It is based on extensive and intensive
research. China, the ’sleeping dragon’ that Napoleon warned about is waking up and you’ll be living in its world very soon; so China needs your full attention. Without this attention,
governments, businesses and individuals may find themselves at a great disadvantage.