Latin Inscriptions
$853 -
Pergamon and the Hellenistic Kingdoms of the Ancient World
$2,275 -
The Afterlives of Greek Sculpture: Interaction, Transformation, and Destruction
$4,500 -
The Boundaries of Art and Social Space in Rome: The Caged Bird and Other Art Forms
$5,130 -
Drawings in Greek and Roman Architecture
$2,250 -
The Afterlife of Greek and Roman Sculpture: Late Antique Responses and Practices
$3,825 -
The Athenian Adonia in Context: The Adonis Festival As Cultural Practice
$2,925 -
The Architecture of the Roman Triumph: Monuments, Memory, and Identity
$4,500 -
A Revolutionary Artist of Tibet: Khyentse Chenmo of Gongkar
$2,625 -
Assyria to Iberia: Art and Culture in the Iron Age: The Metropolitan Museum of Art Symposia
$2,250 -
Tomb Treasures: New Discoveries from China’s Han Dynasty
$1,048 -
Ancient Mythological Images and Their Interpretation: An Introduction to Iconology, Semiotics, and Image Studies in Classical Ar
$1,575 -
American Arcadia: California and the Classical Tradition
$2,158 -
Roman Portraits: Sculptures in Stone and Bronze in the Collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art
$2,925 -
Eye and Art in Ancient Greece: Studies in Archaeoaesthetics
$4,500 -
L’epopée Des Rois Thraces: Des Guerres Médiques Aux Invasions Celtes 479-278 Avant J. C.
$1,840 -
Collections at Risk: New Challenges in a New Environment: Proceedings of the 29th CIPEG Annual Meeting in Brussels, September 25
$2,248 -
Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum
$900 -
The Serpent Column: A Cultural Biography
$3,510 -
Dangerous Perfection: Ancient Funerary Vases from Southern Italy