Featuring an informal writing style and a student-friendly layout, this text provides an overview of tort law for the personal injury paralegal. In each chapter, boxes detail the biggest
mistakes paralegals make and how to avoid them. Other learning features include margin terms, case boxes, detailed chapter summaries, problems, review questions, and lists of web sites for more
research. This fifth edition contains a new chapter on negligence and a new section on tort reform trends and their impact on tort victims, the legal profession, and the healthcare fields. This
edition also includes expanded material on alternative dispute resolution, medical malpractice, and tortious abuse of social media in the forms of cyberbullying and cyber stalking. This edition
also adds more annotated cases, offering 75 total. The web site now contains tutorials on ethics, lecture slides, review materials, and an instructor’s manual. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc.,
Portland, OR (protoview.com)