Twilight Watch

Twilight Watch
NT $ 560







  The third book in Sergei Lukyanenko's dark and thrilling Night Watch series—a visionary blend of urban fantasY and riveting thriller, set in contemporary Moscow

  Night Watch and Day Watch revealed the "Others," an ancient race of supernatural beings—magicians, shape-shifters, vampires, and healers—who live among us and swear allegiance to either the Dark or the Light. For a millennium, these opponents have coexisted in an uneasy truce, guarding each other and tottering on the brink of war.

  In Twilight Watch, the Others face their greatest threat yet. An ancient book of spells with the power to turn ordinary humans into Others has fallen into the wrong hands, threatening to destroy the precarious balance between the forces of Darkness and Light. Now the Night Watch and the Day Watch must cooperate to stop the culprit. Anton, the hero from Night Watch, is back, but when the renegade Other turns out to be closer to home than he expected, the race to prevent global war becomes more urgent than ever. And as Anton gets closer to discovering the true nature of the Others, he begins to question how much of a difference there truly is between the Dark and the Light.




盧基揚年科Sergey Lukianenko


   1968年生於前蘇聯的哈薩克斯坦共和國,畢業於國立阿拉木圖醫學院,當過一年醫師,曾任《世界》科幻雜誌副總編輯。1992年,小說《四十島騎士》廣 獲好評,隔年便轉為專職作家。2002年出版的《雪舞者》獲得俄羅斯國際科幻星橋獎。至今出版小說數十部,擁有二十多個獎項,包括俄國重要的「艾立塔獎」 之「幻想文學發展貢獻獎」史上最年輕的得獎人。


   風靡全球的「巡者系列小說」,不僅創下驚人銷量,囊括多項科幻大獎,更是奇幻讀者指定必讀的入門作品。2007年作者造訪台灣,掀起東西奇幻文化的對 話,並承諾讓巡者的故事拓展到台灣。《新巡者》是他睽違六年後的最新力作,除了延續善惡對立共存的架構,還在作品中流露為人父的關懷,讓故事進入更為細膩 的層次,令人大呼過癮。

  Sergei Lukyanenko was born in Kazakhstan and educated as a psychiatrist. He began publishing science fiction in the 1980s and has published more than twenty-five books. He lives in Moscow with his wife and son.
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