Wesselmann, Schweitzer, and Armstrong help parents and caregivers raise children who have experienced attachment loss and trauma. They propose a model that involves a family therapist and EMDR
therapist team, and outline parenting strategies to help calm behaviors and improve attachment. They describe the child’s brain and the neurological impact of attachment trauma; ways to
approach the child to increase their ability to manage and tolerate feelings using mindfulness; ways to bring positive emotions and play back into the home; methods for managing meltdowns and
other challenging behaviors, such as lying, stealing, aggression, defiance, and sexualized behaviors; strategies for dealing with one’s own triggers and feelings, as well as self-care; and
strategies for managing daily behaviors and giving consequences. The guide is meant to accompany the clinician’s treatment book, Integrative Team Treatment for Attachment Trauma in Children:
Family Therapy and EMDR. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)