Anthropometry, the study of measurements and proportions of the human body, is of course a critical element of the apparel industry. Contributors address numerous techniques for apparel sizing
systems, new developments, and other topics relevant to designing clothing that fits its wearers properly. In Part 1, the authors discuss subjects such as anthropometric data, the strengths and
weaknesses of current sizing systems, future trends, ergonomics and clothing design, testing fit, and key dimensions and control dimension. They address in Part II, topics such as segmentation
and classification of human body shapes using extrinsic approaches, description and classification of body shapes, national size and shape surveys for apparel design, the importance of
anthropometric data in sizing system development, developing apparel sizing systems for specific groups (such as the military and children), international sizing systems and standardization of
apparel sizes, computer technology applied to clothing design, application of virtual simulation in product design, wearing comfort using body motion analytics, and more. Annotation ©2015
Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (