With this book in hand you can get off the sideline and join the local Brazilians as they party during World Cup 2014. Chock-full of up-to-date slang phrases, after-hours expressions and
insider information on futebol, this book will have you cheering, dancing, drinking and celebrating with the die-hard fans of the beautiful game.
You’re sure to have the most memorable World Cup ever as you toss out phrases like:
What’s up, man?
Iaí, cara?
Can I join your pickup game?
Posso bater uma pelada com vocês?
Where is a cool bar to watch the game?
Onde tem um barzinho legal pra assitir o jogo?
Next round’s on me.
A proxima rodada é minha.
We’re all going to an underground dance club, wanna join?
A gente vai pra um baile funk, tá afim?
That girl in the VIP section is super hot.
Aquela mina no camarote é muito gostosa.
Let’s sleep off our hangovers at the beach.
Vamos curar a ressaca na praia.