Gattiker, who heads a company that provides web-based dashboards to benchmark corporate blogs and improve performance and a toolkit to help organizations and decision makers replace their
intuition with formal analysis, demonstrates how managers can perform social media audits in an organization and use social media more effectively. He explains concepts and ideas in social
media, including the business context and culture, the purpose of social media, brand, reputation, social capital, teams, and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.
Then, he describes how to nail down the customer experience and retention; define, design, and create added value; identify and communicate a story that interests the target audience; define
key drivers and the influence of social media; develop a plan of action and set a budget; develop metrics and key performance indicators, find meaning in the data, and test fast; and monitor
the quality of the process, focus on loyalty and customer experience, and improve and upgrade. Included are case studies for illustration. Annotation ©2014 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR