Advanced Reading, Writing, and GrammarA Study Guide for the Reading, Writing, and Grammar section of standardized tests Do you want to read faster and more effectively? Learn what to look for
in the reading passages. Also, study the different question types that frequently appear on standardized tests like the *SAT and the GRE.Do you want to write a quality essay in 25 minutes?
Improve your writing by learning our proven methods.Do you want to improve your grammar? Brush up your grammar and get more questions right by applying the S.M.A.R.T. system.Great For both
Teachers and Students. -Reading, Writing, and Grammar Tips -Reading Question Type Review -Essay Guide and Rubric -Grammar Question Type Review -Test-taking Tips*SAT and GRE are each registered
trademark of the College Board and the ETS, which were not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product.