With the current financial crisis, high unemployment, and tight credit, you may be saying to yourself: “Who is acting rich these days? We’re barely making ends meet.” The reality is the
recession may have caused us to take a breather, but every indication is that we will pick up right where we left off when gentler economic winds blow again. Before you spend another dime,
listen to this audiobook and understand how to become rich instead of act rich. It all starts with where you live. Live in a prestige neighborhood and you will spend more on everything from
your car to your watch. Real millionaires understand that living in communities where their neighbors have less net worth than they do naturally leads to spending less. It’s easier to be rich
when keeping up with the Joneses hardly costs anything. Life satisfaction comes not from cruising down the highway in a chunk of your net worth, but from having the financial resources to
choose—to spend time with family and friends, to volunteer, to pursue interests. Bestselling author of The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind and leading authority on the wealthy,
Dr. Thomas Stanley uncovers the truth that few people become rich by way of a high income, and even fewer high-income people are truly rich. The good news is that almost anyone can become
wealthy—even without a super high income—if you would just stop acting . . . and instead start living like a rich person.