"Although it has long been recognized that gay people appear to have a special relationship with fashion and style, this will be the first book to look at the history of fashion through a queer
lens and to explore the "gayness" or "queerness" of fashion.The book will explore the importance of gay men as fashion designers from the 1930s to the present, including the contributions to
fashion history of gay designers such as Christian Dior, Yves Saint Laurent, and Alexander McQueen. Bisexual and lesbian designers and other fashion professionals will also be considered. In
addition, the book will document the creativity and resistance to oppression expressed by LGBTQ (lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queer) sub-cultural styles, which have often transgressedsex
and gender norms. Finally, the book will explore the influence of a queer sensibility, queer aesthetic(s), and queer sub-cultural styles on fashion over the past century"--