Conservation of 20th Century Furniture provides a comprehensive coverage of materials and techniques that are encountered in twentieth century furniture, through both a contextual point of view and through a range of practice perspectives.
After putting both the design and manufacture, and the conservation, of 20th centry furniture into context, this volume then offers an A-Z of materials. Within each chapter a wide variety of material types are discussed observed, analysed and contextualized, and further sources for consultation provided. The furniture discussed ranges from designer craftsman individually-made pieces to factory produced batch items, and includes cabinet work, decoration, surface finishes and upholstery, observing the traditional repertoire of materials and the innovative materials and processes introduced during the century.
Conservation of 20th Century Furniture is the primary resourse for those studying and conserving twentieth century furniture, and is also of interest to those concerned with a wide range of topics in the manufacture, history and care of twentieth century furniture including curators, dealers and collectors.