If the Bartonville posse chasing Clemet Morgan had been real sheriffs, and if Morgan had broken the law, the story might have been different. But the badge-wearing thugs who were hot on his
trail were the hired guns of land baron Jason Barton. In a fair fight witnessed by many townspeople, Morgan killed Barton's son, Chad. Barton's brand of justice would be quick and final if the
posse overtook Morgan. Private investigator Morgan, hired by Red Mountain rancher Seth Ruddell to solve the mystery of Ruddell's sheep gone missing, uncovers a web of murder, thievery,
kidnapping, and deception -- propagated by Barton -- that brings fear and mistrust to the residents of the small community. In the process of untangling the web, Morgan discovers the power
generated by simple folk banding together to defeat a tyrant and reclaim their town.