'For today's photography students and eager enthusiasts darkroom materials and equipment are more affordable and easily accessible than ever before, as chemicals and supplies can be ordered at
the click of a button from online retailers. Jill Enfield is one of the world's premier handcrafted photographic artists, and in this gorgeous guide to all things alternative, she shows you how
to emulate this beautiful style of fine art, whether you're working in a darkroom with traditional chemicals, at your kitchen sink with items from your pantry, or in front of a computer. Packed
with stunning imagery, how-to recipes and techniques interspersed with historical information on the evolution of processes, this new book will help you add a richness and depth to your
photography like never before--Covers alternative processing from its first historical days through digital manipulation - Contributions from a wide variety of artists showcase different styles
and processing methods--Includes suggestions for vegan andvegetarian-friendly alternative processing!'--