The French Market Cookbook: Vegetarian Recipes from My Parisian Kitchen
- 作者:Clotilde,Dusoulier
- 出版社:Clarkson Potter
- 出版日期:2013-07-02
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0307984826
- ISBN13:9780307984821
- 裝訂:平裝 / 17.8 x 21.6 x 1.9 cm / 普通級
將近十年的時間,Clotilde Dusoulier習慣在部落格「Chocolate & Zucchini」與大家分享許多巴黎美食相關消息,包括創意食譜、外出食記與新發現的古怪調味料等等,獲得眾多網友支持。生活中,她就像大部份現代人一樣,試圖讓自己吃得更健康,並且不斷嘗試以市場裡最棒的當季食材烹煮出最新鮮的美味。
有別於其它單純介紹料理步驟的食譜書,Dusoulier的最新作品《The French Market Cookbook》提供以熟成度與季節性為料理主軸的82道食譜。一般蔬食料理常見的起司、奶油與義大利麵退居二線,蔬果的地位反而在此書中扶搖直上。例如:紅蘿蔔與八角、香草調味後,加入杏仁牛奶所組成的濃湯、蕃茄與芥末搭檔組成的鹹派,或者是荳蔻味的卡士達醬加入甜美的桃子一起烘烤的甜點等。
透過近八十幅精彩照片,Dusoulier同時展現巴黎誘人的美食與充滿活力的市場,並將各類蔬菜與法式料理間的愛情故事娓娓道出,讓整本書更添可看性!(文/ 博客來編譯)
Cook from the farmer’s market with inspired vegetarian recipes — many of which are gluten-free and dairy-free — with a French twist, all highlighting seasonal produce.
Beloved food blogger Clotilde Dusoulier is not a vegetarian. But she has, like many of us, chosen to eat less meat and fish, and is always looking for new ways to
cook what looks best at the market. In The French Market Cookbook, she takes us through the seasons in 82 recipes — and explores the love story between French cuisine and vegetables.
Choosing what’s ripe and in season means Clotilde does not rely heavily on the cheese, cream, and pastas that often overpopulate vegetarian recipes. Instead she lets the bright flavors of
the vegetables shine through: carrots are lightly spiced with star anise and vanilla in a soup made with almond milk; tomatoes are jazzed up by mustard in a gorgeous tart; winter squash stars
in golden Corsican turnovers; and luscious peaches bake in a cardamom-scented custard. With 75 color photographs of the tempting dishes and the abundant markets of Paris, and with Clotilde’s
charming stories of shopping and cooking in France, The French Market Cookbook is a transportive and beautiful cookbook for food lovers everywhere.
CLOTILDE DUSOULIER is the creator of the award-winning food blog, and the author of the cookbook Chocolate & Zucchini and the guidebook Clotilde’s Edible Adventures in Paris. She lives in Paris, France.