Sotiropoulos (economics, Kingston University), Milios (economics, University of Crete), and Lapatsioras (economics, University of Crete) employ international examples and use Marxian concepts
and arguments to discern the true nature of the modern neoliberal form of capitalism and the recent financial crisis. They analyze the ongoing financialization of the economy as a development
within capitalism, and describe the ways in which it has changed the organization of capitalist power. They argue that the process of financialization is "unthinkable" in the absence of
derivatives. There are 10 chapters divided into four parts: the long tradition of finance as a counter-productive activity in heterodox thinking: a Marxian appraisal; financial innovation,
money, and capitalist exploitation: a short detour in the history of economic ideas; rethinking finance: a Marxian analytical framework; and the crisis of the Euro area. The authors target the
educated reader with an interest in the financial crisis seeking to understand the workings of capitalism, as well as scholars and students. There is a list of illustrations, notes, and
references. Annotation ©2013 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (