The Paragone in Nineteenth-century Art
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Writing Postindustrial Places: Technoculture Amid the Cornfields
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The Art Lovers Quotation Book
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The Manuscript Average
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100 Boots: A Book of Postcards
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Crags and Ravines Make a Marvellous View: A Study of Wu Bin’s Unique 17th Century Scroll Painting "Ten Views of a Lingbi Rock"
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Teaching Painting: How Can Painting Be Taught in Art Schools?
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Nadia Seboussi: Hidad
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Food & the Public Sphere
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Relational Art: A Guided Tour
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Willem De Rooij: Index
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Aleksandra Waliszewska: 2000 Words
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Bento’s Sketchbook
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Rivington School: 80s New York Underground
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Destruction Rites: Ephemerality and Demolition in Postwar Visual Culture
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The Chasuble of Thomas Becket: A Biography
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Actors, Networks, Theories / D’un Discours Qui Ne Serait Pas Du Semblant
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The Last Words of Antonin Artaud
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Floating Time: Chinese Prints 1954-2002
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Albert Duvall Quigley: Artist, Musician, Framemaker, 1891-1961