'Few sports figures, regardless of their position, have generated as much good will as Sparky Anderson. The legendary manager for the Cincinati Reds and the Detriot Tigers met author Dan Ewald
in 1979 and thus was born a lifelong friendship not likely ever to be seen again in baseball. Along the way, Dan never took for granted the front row seat he had to watch one of history's most
memorable managers' absolute mastery of baseball's intricacies. But the most important things Sparky taught Dan were the 'unwritten rules' of life, which he practiced meticulously. Sparky had a
gift for taking something as inane as the infield fly rule and turning it into a lecture explaining how to lead a more meaningful life. In this memoir, Dan shares with readers Sparky'sspirit
through his friend's wisdom and stories only the two of them shared'--