Obama’s Secrets is the ultimate "communication bible." Learn how to be more persuasive, how to influence faster, and how to make a success of your own career. This one-of-a-kind book is not
about President Barack Obama. It’s about how you can hone your presentation and communication skills by using Obama’s communication secrets. Obama’s Secrets provides you with a wide range of
tools from the arenas of persuasion, communication, presentation, psychology, and even from recent studies in the field of brain science! Now, whether you are a CEO, a corporate VP, a sales
pro, a lawyer, a teacher, a minister, or a politician—you can use these secrets too. Based on their analysis of over 300 of Obama’s appearances worldwide, from the 1990s until August 2011, and
by utilizing their more than twenty-five years of experience, international communication guru Gil Peretz, and Defense Counsel and NLP expert Nili Peretz, have cracked the secret code of
Obama’s techniques and show you, step-by-step, how his "magical rhetoric skills" can translate into your own success. In the first part of the book, you will be exposed to the “street smarts”
that will help you transform your messages so that they will penetrate the hearts and souls of your listeners. Part two will show you how the way you think helps to influence and persuade.
Something more is required beyond tactics and methods, something much more basic and profound related to our way of thinking. In the third part, you will become acquainted with Obama’s “message
engineering.” You will be provided with a simple implementation toolkit that will enable you to quickly improve the way you convey your messages in all areas. You will be able to use the
secrets of other charismatic leaders such as Winston Churchill, John Kennedy, and Bill Clinton, and business pioneers such as Steve Jobs, Jack Welch, and Stephen Covey. In part four, you will
discover how Obama made people fall in love with him in 2008 and become enthralled by his messages, and you will get to know how to activate these secrets of infatuation. You will upgrade your
skills in creating human chemistry and intimate closeness with a heterogeneous audience–the key to influencing and leading people. Part five will expose you to the right tools to communicate
with the "right brain" and tap into the subconscious mind of your listeners. It works like magic. You will be exposed to the naturalness with which the mind absorbs stories and the way in which
they directly penetrate the subconscious. After that, you will see how Obama uses “thought programs” to “program” the audience’s mind and “glue” messages thereto. You can use these secrets too,
and–no less important –you will upgrade your alertness level when others try to influence you. In the sixth part you will learn how Obama uses effective linguistic patterns to convey messages.
Here, too, you will be provided with a very useful toolbox, with emphasis not only on the tools themselves, but also on the reasons why these tools are effective. And finally, you will be
exposed to the power of non-verbal communication, which is an integral part of any interpersonal communication. Often it is not what you say; it’s how you say it. A brief and concise summary on
the last page of each chapter will allow you to use the book quickly and efficiently when preparing for your next presentation, speech, or sales call. Do you want to be Magnetizing?
Charismatic? Eloquent? Captivating? Persuasive? Heart-piercing? A master of words? When you know what they are, you will be able to use Obama’s secrets in order to communicate your messages
like a pro, inspire any audience, stimulate action, and gain a competitive advantage. Obama’s Secrets: How to Speak and Communicate with Power and a Little Magic will transform the way you
plan, prepare and practice for your next presentation, media appearance, or sales meeting–in a way no other book can. It might just be the new "Dale Carnegie for our era".