There are numerous books that guide readers to better finances, health, happiness, and sudden millions. But “The One-Minute Zillionaire” is a lot more entertaining. “Success books teach you
about principles, habits, making affirmations, and setting preposterous goals,” says Christensen. “There are also expensive seminars where attendees listen to motivational speeches and then
walk barefoot across hot coals. And all these books and seminars work. You get so crazed with the principles of success that you want to dash to Alaska to search for gold and taunt grizzly
bears.” Christensen delivers a very funny yet sensible message with help from a wide cast of characters, including Shakespeare, Freud, Pamela Anderson, Dante, Greek goddesses, Chewbacca,
Charles Manson, Saint Peter, and Pancho Villa. He pondered the powerful achievement techniques and heat-resistant feet of Anthony Robbins, the paradigms of Stephen R. Covey, the excellence of
Thomas Peters, the mind power of Napoleon Hill, the brazen squint of Donald Trump, and the fudge-making ability of Martha Stewart. He consequently discovered the number one key to success, “The
best way to achieve success is to write a success book.” So he wrote this one.