Hold on to your britches, bitches folks!Advice columns are about to be revolutionized with the publication of the charming Miss Ask Tammy Manners’ insightful (or perhaps outrageous is more
accurate) advice and guide book on proper etiquette. Ask Tammy Manners is available on Amazon.com, published by Amazon’s CreateSpace, a division of Amazon’s On-Demand Publishing, LLC. The book
will weigh in with a hefty 250 pages—that’s a lotta’ almost-free advice—and features a lovely picture of glamorous Miss Ask Tammy Manners herself on the cover. All this, for a mere $14.99.
Additionally the book will be available on Kindle.Ask Tammy Manners is a compilation of postings from the Internet’s sensational advice column of the same name,
www.asktammymanners.com.?Launched late last year, the Web-based blog and advice site immediately garnered tens of thousands of loyal readers, and currently Miss Tammy’s faithful followers
number in the hundreds of thousands…all eager to absorb her pearls of wisdom. Queries for Miss Tammy to field come from all over the world, with desperate readers clamoring for her sage advice
and unique perspectives on all matters social and professional.This Diva of Dialogue (and a You Tube up-and-comer) has an unusual take on life’s everyday conditions; her inimitable point of
view will assuage readers confounded by tricky personal situations, and her singular delivery will both amuse and delight–and perhaps shock. Miss Tammy minces no words. Whether her flummoxed
readers need to know what to do with a meddlesome co-worker, or how to tame an oversexed beau, or when to discipline a puppy, or how to deal with a child’s vexatious geography teacher, Miss
Tammy spouts the just-perfect commendations to right an off-course ship, bringing her reader to the best possible conclusion to a dicey circumstance, mitigating angst and anxiety.Of course, it
takes the loquacious Miss Tammy many paragraphs to get there— to that jewel of a response—as she does tend to digress a bit, peppering her answers with much tangential, personal information,
but sooner or later she dispenses the much-needed counsel.This first volume of her laugh-riot advice columns (oh, yes, there will be many more volumes to come!), is loaded with 50 diverse,
perplexing “Dear Ask Tammy Manners” letters and includes answers to such sundry queries as how to help a sixteen-year-old who wants to be famous; how to deal with nasty bullying by a lesbian
mob leader; how to manage a casual hook-up through the personal ads; and how to handle a black-out (all kinds of black-outs!—and her entry on the night the lights went out in Duluth is an
eye-opener, indeed). Those with general etiquette conundrums (the manners-challenged and the uncouth) will benefit from her sage recommendations dispensed in her wild columns—how to deal with
gender confusion; how to face eating a turducken; should you try to turn a gay man straight…and many, many more such pressing matters. Ask Tammy Manners tackles anything, from the most
difficult situation to the patently obvious ones.Miss Tammy Manners herself is available for interviews, whether in print, on- air, via satellite, live streaming, whatever. You call, she
delivers!?Sheila Trask Reviews Ask Tammy Manners and says, “Four out of Five Stars! Celebrating the wild life of this inimitable Dallas Queen.”
http://asktammymanners.com/2012/08/24/sheila-trask-reviews-ask-tammy-manners-thank-you-sheila/Kirkus Indie Review - “Five Stars, A raucous, absurd, often downright hilarious collection from an
entertaining persona who might be better suited for the stage than the page.” http://asktammymanners.com/2012/09/04/another-brilliant-review-5-out-of-5-stars/