Mr Barry’s War: Rebuilding the Houses of Parliament After the Great Fire of 1834
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Breve historia de la Arquitectura / Brief History of Architecture
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Town House: Architecture and Material Life in the Early American City, 1780-1830
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Les Mythes Fondateurs De L’architecture
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50 Architects You Should Know
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Architectural Theory
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The Temple of Ramesses II in Abydos Set: Wall Scenes / Pillars, Miscellany, and Inscriptions
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The Hotel De Cluny in Paris, Tradition and Innovation in French Fifteenth Century Domestic Architecture
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Manhattan: Rectangular Grid for Ordering an Island
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The Politics of Furniture: Identity, Diplomacy and Persuasion in Post-war Interiors
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Building Old Cambridge: Architecture and Development
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Revolution: Interior Design from 1950
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Gothic Church Architecture in Lusignan Cyprus, C. 1209-c. 1373: Design and Patronage
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Architecture and Ritual in Medieval Prague
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Autant De Modeles De Bon Gout: Jean-francois De Neufforge Et L’architecture Du Xviie Siecle
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City Dreamers: The Urban Imagination in Australia
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The Tao of Architecture
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Architects’ Gravesites: A Serendipitous Guide
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Georgian Gothic: Medievalist Architecture, Furniture and Interiors, 1730-1840
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Mcmillan’s Galloway: A Creative Guide by an Unreliable Local