Strange Stones: Dispatches from East and West

Strange Stones: Dispatches from East and West
NT $ 525
  • 作者:HesslerPeter
  • 出版社:Harpercollins
  • 出版日期:2013-05-07
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0062206230
  • ISBN13:9780062206237
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 13.3 x 20.3 x 2.5 cm / 普通級 / 初版



  「中國三部曲」作者,同時也是世界知名的旅遊觀察者何偉,以其擅長的敘事能力與敏銳的社會觀察力,帶來這部以當代中國為主題的報導文學集──《Strange Stones》。

  過去這十年,何偉身兼《紐約時報》撰稿者與「中國三部曲」的作者,徙居於中國與美國之間,時而以局外人的身份報導,時而以在地人的角度切入。如此特別的生活經歷,使得《Strange Stones》有別於同類型其它著作,總能將故事說得鞭辟入裡、撼動人心。

  書中人物形象豐富鮮明,文化觀察更是字字珠璣。何偉不僅帶大家到中國南方嘗試兩家老鼠餐廳,還介紹了13億人引以為傲的中國輸出NBA球星姚明以及蔚為傳奇的長城史學家David Spindler等。他在中國幫世界的讀者開了一扇窗,讓大家以不同角度認識這個發展中的巨龍。(文/博客來編譯)

  Full of unforgettable figures and an unrelenting spirit of adventure, Strange Stones is a far-ranging, thought-provoking collection of Peter Hessler’s best reportage — a dazzling display of the powerful storytelling, shrewd cultural insight, and warm sense of humor that are the trademarks of his work.

  Over the last decade, as a staff writer for The New Yorker and the author of three books, Peter Hessler has lived in Asia and the United States, writing as both native and knowledgeable outsider in these two very different regions. This unusual perspective distinguishes Strange Stones, which showcases Hessler’s unmatched range as a storyteller. “Wild Flavor” invites readers along on a taste test between two rat restaurants in South China. One story profiles Yao Ming, basketball star and China’s most beloved export, another David Spindler, an obsessive and passionate historian of the Great Wall. In “Dr. Don,” Hessler writes movingly about a small-town pharmacist and his relationship with the people he serves.

  While Hessler’s subjects and locations vary, subtle but deeply important thematic links bind these pieces — the strength of local traditions, the surprising overlap between apparently opposing cultures, and the powerful lessons drawn from individuals who straddle different worlds.

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